Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Review- Pushing Daisies: Capturing my heart, now and forever more

Just to set the record straight, I am not the sunshine and lollipops type of person (unless I am dancing around to the tune by that name in my freakishly tiny kitchen because yes, I moved out of the ‘burbs’ to spend twice as much money in my downtown apartment with no amenities). However, I love the TV program Pushing Daisies and its almost sickeningly sweet cuteness.

Why do I love this delectable series about the pie-man who can bring people back from the dead for 1 minute and 1 minute only? There are so many reasons I am unsure if I will be able to write them all here but I will certainly try because I love nothing more than making a good long list, rattling on and on like your great Aunt Betty when she hasn’t had a house guest in a while.

(1) The pie-man himself, Ned, played by Lee Pace. I love him. He is tall in an adorable way and always has that woeful expression on his face. Who doesn’t love a man who is sensitive enough to bring his childhood sweetheart back to life, never to return her to her unpleasant fate of being dead, all the while suffering because he cannot ever touch her, the one true love of his life... the tragedy of it all is enough to make even the coldest heart melt. Swoon.

(2) The Pie-Hole. Hello, clever name for a pie place. Who doesn’t wish that the Pie Hole existed in your very own neighborhood? Well, guess what you lucky Boise, Idaho readers-- Pie Hole does exist in your neighborhood! However, it is a pizza place and not a charming, mom and pop place, where you can chit and chat with the staff, and get the best slice of pie you ever had. So you still lose. Suckers.

(3) The cinematography. Is it still called cinematography when it’s just a TV show? Is what I am even talking about cinematography at all? Hmm. What I am trying to get at is that a TV show has never seen such beautiful sets, colors, and camera angles. Seriously, I could sit there and watch the show without sound on and still love it. (I would never, ever do that, because I would never want to miss out on the witty banter or Olive suddenly breaking out into song and dance, but I could and I would if I had something to prove. Don’t test me).

(4) Olive Snook. She’s a character after my very own heart. She’s got this horribly unrequited love thing going on with Ned (who doesn’t, I mean, seriously), she’s sassy, she’s as freakishly short as Ned is freakishly tall, she loves dogs, she’s not afraid of anything (except the ghost of a former jockey, but that’s another story), and she’s not afraid to make her life a musical with no forewarning or reason. If I could carry a tune, I’d love to be like Olive. Except for the fact that I’d never get to be with Ned, because to him, she’s just her Pie-Hole employee and friend. Sigh.

(5) Charlotte’s (Chuck’s) wardrobe. I have actually done research on Chuck’s character’s attire, and if it all weren’t ridiculously expensive you’d probably see me sporting all of her dresses, coats, and shoes, pretending as though that I came up with her classy ensembles on my own. However, most of her stuff is out of my particular budget, so instead I have had to come up with elaborate plots to break onto the set during filming and steal the clothing from the racks. If you see me on the news, just understand, I really love clothes. Chuck is a lucky duck, because she never wears the same thing twice. And to the naysayers who want to tell me that this ruins the accuracy of the show- how does a dead girl have the money to purchase so many adorable outfits? Well, if you do recall those plaster monkeys from the first episode were actually GOLD, so you do the math.

(6) The fact that the episode tonight ended with Olive singing Eternal Flame.

(7) The Narrator. I love narration. Always have, always will. If a novel I write eventually gets made into a movie, it better have a narrator. It’s like listening to a bedtime story with moving pictures.

(8) The warm and wholesome feeling you get while watching this show. There is something quaint about it that is lacking in all other programs on today. It’s not a reality show (not that there is anything wrong with reality TV, I’m just sick of it). The scandals are silly, but yet it is composed with heartfelt truths. Honestly, there aren’t many things on TV like it.

(9) Miscellaneous other reasons why I like this show:
  • The private eye, Emerson Cod, knits in his spare time. Also that his office is above a Chinese food restaurant. The details, the details.
  • Couer d’Couers, best fake town name ever. Has very pretty flowery fields as well.
  • Digby, the dog. I love golden retrievers. Also the fact that Olive ‘adopted’ a pig and named him “Pigby.”

Some might say I am obsessed with this show. Yes, it is true that I have been known to watch episodes from Season 1 over and over and over again, but that was mostly due to the fact I am too lazy to call the cable company to get cable installed and too stupid to realize I could access basic cable with my antenna. Thus I thought I was limited to CBS (the only station that didn't come in fuzzy), which is only good for an hour and a half on Monday nights and half an hour on Wednesday nights... But truly, if you can tear yourself away from The New Adventures of Old Christine (I know, it’s hard, but maybe you should invest in TiVo if you are concerned about scheduling overlaps), I strongly encourage you to add Pushing Daisies to your weekly line up. If you don’t, you will have missed out and you surely will be sorry, but I guess that’s your prerogative.

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